Monday, December 13, 2010

Love this time of year!

Cameron has been a total blast with all of the Christmas stuff going on. He loves the "Crimpas Tree with the Ormanets" He loves his "Baby Jesus toys" He is excited to wrap presents for little friends and cousins. He loves all of the yummy Christmas treats.

We have been waiting for snow but only got a little dusting over Thanksgiving Weekend (when we were down in the valley). I am really dreaming of a White Christmas but of course it has been "unusually warm and snowless this year" Just my luck!

Graydon is doing great, almost 6 months, in the 94 percentile for his height. He cut an upper tooth but it's a lateral or canine (Not the front ones) It totally tripped us out but the Doctor said it can happen it looks like the front 2 are not too far behind. You could say that all I want for Christmas is for those 2 front teeth to finally pop through. (and yes we have been singing the song) Could someone get Gray the manual for how to cut teeth for Christmas this year. Between being incredibly early, taking too long, and coming out of order he really needs to study up!

Lastly , I have finished Cameron's big Christmas Present! Thanks to a lot of help from Mom and her trusty friend Berni. I will post pics after Christmas... I know you can hardly contain your excitement!