Thursday, March 12, 2009

More funnies!

He does the funny face thing Alex does from Madagascar 2! Where you move your hand over your face and change it from smile to frown. Except he holds his hand off to the side with open fingers and forgets to change his face.

He says WALL*E but it sounds like Wah*E.

When we go shopping he grabs clothes off the rack and says pretty. (pri-e) And he says pretty when I try something on too!

He loves to dance. Whenever he hears music with a good beat he moves his head, then shakes his fists, then twirls around. Also when he watches Madagascar 2 he follows Alex's moves.

When Pete honked his horn at a car Cameron said UH-OH!

1 comment:

Dee said...

LOVE that he says pretty when you try stuff on. that's something every man should know to do. good job on teaching him young. :D