Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ready for Santa!

Cameron is so ready for Christmas and Santa. He has been watching the Polar Express (choo choo train) everyday for a month. He loves looking at lights and other "pretties" anything Christmasy and beautiful. He talks about baby Jesus and looks a picture of him. He plays with a Santa toy and makes it say "HO HO HO, Meiry Kimas!"*that's sorta how he pronounces it) And a week or two ago, he was watching Polar Express and thought I would prep him for a visit to Santa.

I said "Cameron would you like to go see Santa soon?"

He said "Santa?"


"And the choo choo train?"

"Maybe" There could be one...

"And the Polar Bear?"

"Sure" Probably not...

He said "Okay!" Then ran and got his shoes and sat down to put them on. I said "wait not tonight, soon" It was 8 o'clock at night and Santa hadn't even come to the stores yet. I will post pictures when we do go we'll see if he is happy to see him then.

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