Tuesday, July 6, 2010

How they got here... Cameron's story

Okay first a little background story of how things went with Cameron...

On February 14th I went in for my 36 week appointment, I was starting to feel awful and asked if I was going to have the baby soon. The doctor checked me and told me I was 0% everything and there was no way I way having this baby anytime soon. I went home, called in sick and was super depressed. Early the next morning I kept waking up around 3am with weird feelings, but kept falling back asleep. After around 5:30, I couldn't sleep anymore and woke Pete up to tell him. We both thought they were probably Braxton Hicks, since I hadn't had any yet and the doctor said I wasn't going to have the baby. We got up and Pete called in to work and we watched Lion King 1 and 2. Every so often I would have a "Braxton Hick" but it wasn't very strong, very frequent or very constant... Sometimes I wouldn't have one for 45 minutes, sometimes every 7 minutes. They weren't very painful just weird and in my back mostly.

Finally we decided to go to the hospital, finished packing and went in around 3pm. There was another woman there waiting to be brought back to triage and she looked like a bus had run over her. I had showered and put on make up and sat through my contractions saying I think I am having one... She was not showered and kneeling on the ground hunched over the chair screaming. They brought us both back and through the "very private curtains" I could her them telling her that she was still at a 3 and they were sending her home. Pete and I looked at each other and thought for sure they would send us home next. They came and asked me my due date, I told her, she kind of rolled her eyes at me... first time mom... left check to several other people, came back and checked me "Whoa you are 6 1/2 centimeters!" Then a flurry of activity... Peter called my mom, they gave me fluids, transferred me to a delivery room, offered an epidural, (which I didn't feel like I needed at the time, but wanted for the grand finale).

I started pushing around 9pm and delivered by 9:45. Cameron was face up and had a little bit of a cone head at first but otherwise perfect, 6 lbs 3oz 21 inches. I stayed in the hospital for 2 days and Cameron stayed one more night due to jaundice. Already by his first doctors visit he had gained back his weight plus some.

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