Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tradition....... Tradition!

Okay I know you were thinking of the Fiddler on the Roof after reading that title! Unless you haven't seen it... then you have no idea what I'm talking about and think I am a crazy person! Anyway, Jenny inspired me to post our Christmas traditions. I grew up with a lot of traditions and some have been carried on in our home, along with new traditions.

Before Christmas we see Santa at a different location every year and try to go do a few fun outings. Last year we saw the Salt Lake Temple lights, Zoo Lights, a Suns Game, and saw Santa sitting in a sleigh outside a little boutique in Draper, Utah. This year we went on a Sleigh Ride, played in the snow, saw the Arizona Temple Lights one night while they were being installed (so it wasn't crowded) and saw Santa at Bass Pro Shops. Growing up we didn't have a ton of clothes but we always got fancy dresses for Christmas and Easter. Cameron gets a new Sunday outfit for those holidays too!

Christmas Eve

- Green Pancakes and Red Syrup

- Driving to see the lights around the neighborhood

- Christmas Program (I used to plan and coordinate one every year in my home but when I moved out I made a slideshow to music. It changes some years but has some songs about the true story of Christmas and a song or two with our Christmases through the years)

- Christmas Jammies (Not always Christmas themed)

- Reading The Night Before Christmas (This will be our first year doing this and I am totally stealing Jenny's idea of wrapping the Christmas books and opening one every day.)

Christmas Morning

- We each take turns opening presents

- Cameron gets a new ornament for his tree

1 comment:

Dee said...

oh you know I'm singing it lady!!! merry christmas eve! if you get on here today go check out my latest post... i think it'll make you laugh. or at least show you why i should be forced to sleep occasionally. anyhow... if you want to be a follower you click on "be a follower" it's always on the side bar with the description/author/etc. for mine i think it's on the left side now. i like it because then when you go on your dash it shows you all the new posts from the blogs you follow. enjoy!