Wednesday, October 15, 2008

hi dad! and Ga-Guhn

To start off setting the record straight, Cameron's very first word was momma. I just wanted everyone to know that first. However soon after that, he started says Hi Dad! First, he was repeating me when Daddy came home, that was what I would say. Then he said all the time to Pete, when he came home, walked into the room, etc. Then he said it all the time.. to everyone. The cashier at Fry's, the nice lady in the aisle at Target, Gramma on the phone, the play phone, anything that resembled the shape of a phone. He just thought that was how to greet everyone.
Fast-Forward several months and he has finally figured out that it's just Hi. (Though I must admit I miss hearing him say it the other way) Now he is struggling with Bye. He used to just hold his hand out. Then he waved. Then he added some baby mumbo-jumbo. Then it turned into Ga-Guhn. At first I didn't realize that was him trying to say bye-bye (it's the same sound for Nigh-Night too) Pete and I are the only people who can understand it as that. It's weird because he can make the b sound just not for bye-bye. It still love to hear it. When I lay him down for bed he raises his hand and says Ga-Guhn. I say Nigh-Night. Then he says it again as I close the door and I say Nigh-Night, then says to me all the way back down the stairs.

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